Campaigns and Victories
Current Campaigns
Each year the California Labor for Climate Jobs coalition commits to fighting for policies that will advance our vision of a worker-led transition to a just and climate-safe economy.
Ca Worker Climate Bill of Rights
2024 Policy Agenda:
Featured Bill:
SB1182 (Gonzalez) Climate Resilient Schools Act
Seeks to create the first master plan for healthy, sustainable and climate resilient schools; an essential step to ensure safe learning and working conditions for students and school staff, to meet our state’s GHG reduction targets, and to advance equity and good jobs. CLCJ is co-sponsoring SB1182.

Supporting Critical Local Services through the Low-Carbon Transition
We are already experiencing refinery closures in fossil fuel dependent counties, leading to potential budget shortfalls that threaten critical public services for residents such as schools, fire departments, transportation and public health— also putting at risk the public sector jobs that provide those services. In the 2023 California State Budget, we successfully advocated and won $250,000 to fund a study of the economic impact to California cities and counties and the ability to provide critical services amidst oil and gas industry contraction.

Won $40 Million for the Displaced Oil and Gas Worker Pilot Program
In 2022 our coalition played a pivotal role in winning $40 million in state funding for the first ever Displaced Oil and Gas Workers pilot program. This program will support workers on the front lines of California’s energy transition in the oil and gas sector who have lost their jobs or are threatened to lose their jobs. As the program is rolled out, we continue to fight to ensure the money will go towards a comprehensive worker-led transition program including direct financial payments to workers, in addition to skills and education training. The program will launch within the Employment Development Department in 2024.